Certificate of Origin

The Boardman Chamber of Commerce, through a partnership with the American World Trade Chamber of Commerce, offers electronically chamber-stamped Certificates of Origin and export-related documents. The authenticity of each document can be verified by customs worldwide through the International Chamber of Commerce Accreditation Chain at certificates.iccwbo.org.
For full document verification visit www.CertificateofOrigin.com.
AWTCC processes Certificates of Origin, Certificates of Free Sale, Apostilles and other export documents for U.S. companies. As the only ICC accredited U.S. Chamber, our seal is recognized and accepted worldwide as a part of the ICC International Quality Label program.
Registration Form
Create, submit, and print electronically certified documents right at your own desk. Fill out this registration form and return it to the Chamber Office or email it to info@boardmanchamber.org.
Once you become registered and receive your login and password, you are ready to begin creating CO’s from our login link above.